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1 2 3 ..... 972 »
PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
(FatheredCleric)IN Yuyuko & Youmu 381,771,700 All Clear 2019-08-29 07:22:34
1.00d Normal 0.000%
(aaa)PCB MarisaB 172,703,500 2019-08-26 17:46:01
1.00b Normal 0.067%
1cc attempt
(KaguyaIN)IN Reimu & Yukari 25,432,080 2019-08-24 15:32:37
1.00d Lunatic 0.235%
Failing miserably at Lunatic
(THIS SITE IS ABO)TD Marisa 987,680 2019-08-23 15:08:58
1.00c Easy 0.180%
(YumiUwU_)IN Reimu & Yukari 390,874,570 All Clear 2019-08-23 04:32:10 Other Condition
1.00d Easy 0.262%
Lol , very easy
(Choclo)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,100,621,830 All Clear 2019-08-16 21:58:08
1.00d Extra 0.000%
First clear on Mokou, could be a lot better, but it was easy enough.
(berz)PCB ReimuA 352,076,920 2019-08-14 22:05:29
1.00b Extra 0.000%
good luck man; I know you can clear it. cheers
(berz)PCB ReimuA 352,076,920 2019-08-14 22:02:18
1.00b Extra 0.000%
good luck man; I know you can clear it. cheers
(Sacrifar)SA ReimuA 621,882,810 All Clear 2019-08-11 13:33:39 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000%
First SA LNB
(luxrayy)SA ReimuA 194,733,860 All Clear 2019-08-10 02:23:03
1.00a Normal 0.010%
1CC run of Touhou 11, in Normal.
(luxrayy)MoF ReimuA 451,494,070 All Clear 2019-08-10 02:22:30
1.00a Normal 0.000%
1CC run of Touhou 10, in Normal.
(luxrayy)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,180,308,590 All Clear 2019-08-10 02:20:38
1.00d Normal 0.110%
1CC run of Touhou 8, in Normal.
(luxrayy)PCB ReimuB 384,515,050 All Clear 2019-08-10 02:20:01
1.00b Normal 0.125%
1CC run of Touhou 7, in Normal.
(luxrayy)EoSD ReimuB 80,329,580 All Clear 2019-08-10 02:18:52
Normal 0.277%
1CC run of Touhou 6, in Normal.
(GenesisJames)SA MarisaA 331,105,800 All Clear 2019-08-07 01:09:07
1.00a Normal 0.000%
A 1cc run of Touhou 11's normal mode. Done with Marisa A. An almost flawless run up until Utsuho. She's honestly not that hard, but my nerves were shot at this point and I made dumb mistakes, haha. Keep an eye out for that amazing death the moment her last card ends! Super happy to have this done.
(Corn)PCB ReimuA 468,118,010 All Clear 2019-08-06 19:08:44
1.00b Lunatic 0.199%
Grinning little girl.bmp
(DJMiko)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,819,002,100 All Clear 2019-08-06 09:32:44 No Misses
1.00d Extra 0 0.063%
A no-hit run (well, let's just say Last Word doesn't exist, right?). Excluding the last nonspell, the fight is very fun!
(DFG3)EoSD MarisaA 99,294,070 2019-08-01 12:43:30
Normal 0.371%
(DFG3)EoSD MarisaA 99,294,070 All Clear 2019-08-01 12:42:29
Normal 0.371%
(MrSquito)EoSD MarisaA 38,988,630 2019-08-01 08:12:03
Normal 0.374%
(GenesisJames)MoF MarisaB 154,335,070 All Clear 2019-07-30 17:18:10
1.00a Normal 0.000%
A 1cc run of Touhou 10's normal mode. Done with Marisa B. Pretty good run up until Kanako, where I got sloppy. Still happy I beat it, though!
(GenesisJames)IN Marisa & Alice 1,211,574,730 All Clear 2019-07-30 17:16:00
1.00d Extra 0.128%
Formerly known as/listed under Louiejub. Run from 9.04.2015. A run of the extra stage from Touhou 8. Done with Marisa & Alice. NOTE: Unlike my 1cc runs, this is my second clear of this stage, not the first. I did better this time around, but I couldn't clear "Imperishable Shooting", as I never encountered it before, haha~
(GenesisJames)IN Marisa & Alice 1,139,676,010 All Clear 2019-07-30 17:14:19
1.00d Normal 0.000%
Formerly known as/listed under Louiejub. Run from 9.04.2015. A 1cc run of Touhou 8's normal mode. Done with Marisa & Alice.
(GenesisJames)PCB MarisaA 298,016,650 All Clear 2019-07-30 17:12:22
1.00b Normal 0.161%
Formerly known as/listed under Louiejub. Run from 8.28.2015. A 1cc run of Touhou 7's normal mode. Done with Marisa A.
(GenesisJames)EoSD MarisaA 73,893,920 All Clear 2019-07-30 17:10:09
Normal 0.370%
Formerly known as/listed under Louiejub. Run from 8.31.2015. A 1cc run of Touhou 6's normal mode. Done with Marisa A.
(MrSquito)EoSD MarisaA 46,336,740 2019-07-28 13:30:01
Normal 0.394%
Big improvement from advice
(ezzz)IN Marisa & Alice 751,306,760 2019-07-26 07:14:15
1.00d Easy 0.720%
(MrSquito)EoSD ReimuA 6,505,180 2019-07-25 09:21:38
Normal 0.494%
Uploading for advice
(Sheep)GFW Cirno 11,237,120 2019-07-24 12:27:17
1.00a Normal 0.380%
(Sheep)SA ReimuA 165,270,710 All Clear 2019-07-24 12:01:41
1.00a Normal 1.840%
(coolkid)PCB ReimuB 438,471,350 All Clear 2019-07-21 08:15:15
1.00b Hard 0.055%
My old run.
(Zhu)EoSD ReimuB 93,972,470 All Clear 2019-07-20 12:04:03
Normal 0.324%
First 1cc. Not sure how long it took because I played on and off over a few months but I'd say it took half a month, maybe 3/4 total.
(Rougebatty)EoSD MarisaA 98,117,180 All Clear 2019-07-11 12:18:23
Hard 0.534%
(Rougebatty)EoSD MarisaA 98,117,180 All Clear 2019-07-11 12:17:14
Hard 0.534%
(MancDies)PCB SakuyaA 133,201,080 2019-07-10 11:19:10
1.00b Normal 0.030%
thanks prints
(ClancHuranku)EoSD ReimuB 148,464,350 2019-07-09 16:06:09
Lunatic 0.548%
Proof of God's nonexistence.
(FiberVibe)MoF ReimuA 250,122,610 All Clear 2019-07-03 08:52:50 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Normal 0 0.000%
I did a thing that happened. Not perfectly, but regardless.
(ReisenUI)EoSD MarisaA 235,187,750 All Clear 2019-06-27 20:06:00
Extra 0.195%
(ReisenUI)EoSD MarisaA 235,187,750 All Clear 2019-06-27 20:05:50 No Bomb Usage
Extra 0 0.195%
(ReisenUI)EoSD MarisaA 235,187,750 All Clear 2019-06-27 20:05:16 No Bomb Usage
Extra 0 0.195%


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