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« 1 ..... 431 432 433 434 435 ..... 972 »
PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
(dong)PCB SakuyaB 1,205,864,760 All Clear 2012-11-23 02:21:41
1.00b Easy 0.333%
(Mister Sanity)PCB ReimuB 820,326,850 All Clear 2012-11-22 21:35:30
1.00b Lunatic 0.106%
(Ranko Hoshino)IN Reimu & Yukari 705,780,670 All Clear 2012-11-22 20:53:34 No Vertical Movement
1.00d Easy 0.260% | probably could've gotten a 1LC too
(Minogame)PCB ReimuB 773,435,560 All Clear 2012-11-22 20:33:09 No Focused Movement
1.00b Lunatic 0.125%
Got this on my first try. Finished with 3 spare lives.
(plasma991)TD Youmu 15,798,080 2012-11-22 19:47:35
1.00c Normal 0.940%
(mostly) cc of stage 3
(Yao)MoF ReimuB 223,406,160 All Clear 2012-11-22 19:00:37
1.00a Extra 0.020%
1 Live left, 1st time clear.
(Pearl)UFO ReimuA 153,342,340 All Clear 2012-11-22 16:03:09 No Focused Movement
1.00b Extra 0.000%
Yay 2 spare lives. Also first try (which explains the nonsense death at the very beginning of Kogasa's opener, which as a great invite to ragequit)
(Nindel)SA ReimuA 955,962,550 All Clear 2012-11-22 15:46:19 Other Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0.020%
Ultra Lunatic 1cc this time with ReimuA, her bombs can't skips spells! So I thought things'd be a lil' tougher, and they were... but the whole auto-bomb thing sorta balanced it all out eitherway, haha.
(Byronyello)TD Reimu 0 2012-11-22 15:19:31 No MissesNo Focused MovementNo Vertical MovementPacifist
1.00c Lunatic 0 0.150%
Spell Card Practice: No. 51 - Demonify "Zouhuo Rumo" - Lunatic ---- A no-vert(after me messing about in the first few secs), no focus, no deaths, no bombs pacifist run of... a single spellcard.
(Tsym)UFO SanaeA 239,814,810 All Clear 2012-11-22 12:17:44
1.00b Lunatic 0.000%
SanaeA 1cc! 3 lives to spare. I feel thta it's a more or less decent demonstration of how to do a survival run of this shot type. 4 more shot types to go!
(Shimatora)TD Youmu 27,734,260 2012-11-22 12:08:15
1.00c Normal 0.440%
Reference for a friend.
(ARF)SA ReimuC 114,728,160 All Clear 2012-11-22 06:39:41 Other Condition
1.00a Easy 0.000%
No Horizontal movement
(Zork787)SA ReimuA 38,359,540 2012-11-21 23:58:02
1.00a Normal 0.000%
derped on Rin's Stage 6 Midboss Spellcard during a normal practice run
(Mister Sanity)MoF ReimuA 276,439,640 2012-11-21 23:19:57
1.00a Extra 20.070%
[90 FPS] Sped-up runs are not the best choice after a hiatus.
(Osaka)EoSD ReimuA 179,915,970 All Clear 2012-11-21 21:39:10
Extra 0.099%
First EoSD extra clear.
(Anya)PCB SakuyaA 853,416,460 2012-11-21 15:55:16
1.00b Normal 0.301%
(Anya)PCB SakuyaA 111,763,440 2012-11-21 15:55:06
1.00b Normal 0.256%
(Anya)UFO SanaeA 41,044,720 2012-11-21 15:48:10
1.00b Normal 0.000%
(Nindel)SA ReimuC 780,515,470 All Clear 2012-11-21 14:32:23 Other Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0.000%
90FPS 1cc on 3rd try... erm Jesus Christ? Morale of the story is BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB and BOMB, hahahahaha. *Edit: Don't forget to press X to BOMB.
(Anya)PCB SakuyaA 111,763,440 2012-11-21 13:37:31
1.00b Normal 0.256%
(chum)PCB MarisaA 846,893,580 All Clear 2012-11-20 23:22:04
1.00b Lunatic 0.263%
Proof that "skills" and "planning" isn't required to 1cc. Gotta love that border system.
(Matsuri)StB Aya 754,800 All Clear 2012-11-20 19:06:49
1.02a None 0.000%
am i done now
(Lyv)TD Reimu 290,170,920 All Clear 2012-11-20 16:04:59
1.00c Hard 0.070%
First TD Hard 1cc.
(Russell)IN Reimu 21,849,460 2012-11-20 08:23:03 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00d Easy 0 0 1.152%
Tell me... Tell me how I was able to do this.
(Vee-nee)IN Marisa & Alice 2,628,584,790 All Clear 2012-11-20 06:51:25
1.00d Easy 0.186%
Raymoo uses her RAY-GUN ;____;
(Massaca)IN Marisa & Alice 878,520 2012-11-20 01:28:36 No Vertical MovementPacifist
1.00d Extra 0.000%
90 fps no vert Fujiyama Volcano lucky ''dodges'' with MariAli. Includes passing through a stream, through explosions and narrowly missing the red circle shots.
(Ranko Hoshino)IN Yukari 21,741,380 All Clear 2012-11-19 23:13:58 No Vertical Movement
1.00d Easy 1.290% | This is a silly spell to do without vertical movement.
(Ghostly)IN Reimu & Yukari 920,740 All Clear 2012-11-19 22:13:00 Pacifist
1.00d Normal 0.629%
(Pearl)UFO SanaeA 262,631,260 All Clear 2012-11-19 21:00:07 Other Condition
1.00b Extra 0.000%
Scoring attempt. Hadn't fought Nue in like 2 months, so I was really out of practice at this.
(Rising Amaterasu)MoF ReimuB 168,402,990 All Clear 2012-11-19 19:30:38
1.00a Normal 0.000%
First ever Touhou 1cc on Normal, I have begun my Touhou Career. Got VERY cose there at the end
(Arakawa)PCB ReimuB 18,319,260 2012-11-19 18:37:03
1.00b Normal 0.065%
Very newbish PCB by the skin of my teeth, with some staggering dumb and lucky moves.
(Arakawa)EoSD ReimuB 8,834,620 2012-11-19 18:33:23
Normal 0.483%
The one where I DO get demolished by Cirno -_-;;
(Arakawa)EoSD ReimuB 13,577,350 2012-11-19 18:32:38
Normal 0.545%
The one where I don't get demolished by Cirno...
(Leylite)TD Youmu 4,210,530 2012-11-19 17:47:06 No Misses
1.00c Normal 0 0.010%
A pseudo-pacifist run of Stage 4 where I time out all attacks, except for the last one, where I deathbomb. So close...
(Byronyello)IN Reimu & Yukari 11,953,990 All Clear 2012-11-19 15:49:15
1.00d Extra 0.494%
A capture of "Possesed by Phoenix".
(nindel)SA ReimuC 512,610,670 2012-11-19 15:02:47 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.050%
Reached Utsuho's 1st spell with 4/5 life frags, failed to kill off Orin's stage 6 spell and ended up timing it out.... huh. Of course, silly deaths in stages 3 and 4 but really, things are looking nice if I can piece stuff together. Also, streaming section of stage 6 death... how does one stream bullets?
(Leylite)TD Reimu 7,414,530 2012-11-19 14:11:29
1.00c Extra 0.000%
A demonstration of one route for capturing Spell Card 117, Mamizou Futatsuiwa's "Transformation 'Stupid Miko's False Exorcism' ".
(Izaya-kun)UFO ReimuB 73,211,630 2012-11-19 13:45:50
1.00b Normal 0.070%
(Adrian17)PCB ReimuB 131,982,160 All Clear 2012-11-19 13:31:41
1.00b Normal 0.216%
A practice run of Stage 4, just for to show how streaming works in this stage.
(Alaitoc)PCB ReimuA 436,582,290 All Clear 2012-11-19 12:38:08
1.00b Extra 0.070%


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