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« 1 ..... 462 463 464 465 466 ..... 972 »
PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
(Sothe)MoF ReimuA 695,787,030 All Clear 2012-09-21 17:21:28
1.00a Easy 0.000%
Everything is perfect except for Miracle of Otensui. This spell is harder on easy than on lunatic IMO.
(Mikkey)EoSD MarisaB 130,112,650 All Clear 2012-09-21 16:37:33 No Focused Movement
Lunatic 0.294%
4/4 MASTER SPARK!!!!!!!!
(Pearl)IN Yuyuko 12,862,980 All Clear 2012-09-21 15:22:04
1.00d Extra 0.000%
"Imperishable Shooting" capture. This was the first time I entered the safespot successfully, and it was my first time at the last waves, so I'd say I was kinda lucky.
(Seiga Kaku)TD Reimu 2,237,770 2012-09-21 15:19:39
1.00c Normal 0.000%
(kisanisa)MoF ReimuA 540,984,300 All Clear 2012-09-21 14:52:05
1.00a Easy 0.860%
oh look my first try on this game
(Nindel)SA ReimuA 108,537,230 2012-09-21 14:46:52 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000%
2Death NoBomb stage 6, gaps used once. This is how I'd like my stage 6 to be, at the minimum. I can capture Hell's Tokamak!?!!? Gap at the start because hell, I don't like those crows. Almost-timeout Orin to trivalise stage portion afterwards. Deaths at 1st and 2nd spells, both of which I could have captured but decided I would rather eat tasty bullets instead. Yum yum. I can now do the trivialise method for the 2nd non, which will make my life 100000x easier with all shottypes for all runs, be it No-Death or No-Bomb. Hurray! I should be able to No-Bomb this now.
(Sothe)PCB ReimuB 799,087,350 All Clear 2012-09-21 14:26:14
1.00b Normal 0.084%
Score game on Normal.
(L3PiK)PCB ReimuB 760,255,120 All Clear 2012-09-21 12:17:56
1.00b Normal 0.094%
(Anon)PCB SakuyaB 1,488,537,620 All Clear 2012-09-21 11:39:14
1.00b Normal 0.126%
(White Lotus Sato)EoSD ReimuB 209,655,800 All Clear 2012-09-21 11:20:45 No Misses
Extra 0 0.223%
Oh look, another no death extra stage run
(White Lotus Sato)TD Reimu 362,593,220 All Clear 2012-09-21 11:19:08
1.00c Hard 0.220%
Wait, why did I not try TD hard until now? First try and it was a 1cc
(Nindel)EoSD MarisaB 135,384,390 All Clear 2012-09-21 10:29:38
Lunatic 0.271%
All Shottypes Cleared!! WOOHOO! 2nd game to beat on lunatic with all shottypes. MarisaB took far less time than MarisaA! But now I've got to set my eyes onto the next game to beat with all the shottypes... and I'm thinking they're going to be alot harder (especially because there're so many shottypes... Touhou 8 might just be out of the question).
(Maav)IN Reimu & Yukari 3,656,100 All Clear 2012-09-21 08:44:37 No MissesPacifist
1.00d Extra 0 0.000%
Showing a friend how to capture Honest Man's Death
(PMW)IN Alice 364,346,260 2012-09-21 07:35:52 No Vertical Movement
1.00d Extra 0.000%
Reached Fujijama Volcano (again).
(chum)GFW Cirno 63,789,900 All Clear 2012-09-21 06:36:51
1.00a Lunatic 0.020%
First try after watching the WR. Just testing the waters. There's a huge potential for this route and if I execute some of the strats better (or at all) and don't die in as many stupid places, 80 million seems more than reasonable. 90 might be too distant for now.
(Yleffl)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,334,789,440 All Clear 2012-09-21 05:00:38
1.00d Hard 0.039%
First Hard 1cc, in which I don't completely screw up the Last Spells for once. Hooray?
(darkcirno)MoF MarisaC 240,403,430 All Clear 2012-09-21 03:47:33
1.00a Extra 0.070%
primera vez que capturo la last spell de Suwako -Scourge Sign "Mishaguji-sama"
(AlanHaTe)PCB ReimuB 663,511,360 All Clear 2012-09-21 02:21:37
1.00b Phantasm 0.114%
(AlanHaTe)PCB ReimuB 427,484,700 All Clear 2012-09-21 02:21:18
1.00b Extra 0.114%
(AlanHaTe)PCB SakuyaA 516,618,820 All Clear 2012-09-21 02:17:18
1.00b Phantasm 0.116%
(AlanHaTe)PCB SakuyaA 548,040,410 All Clear 2012-09-21 02:16:35
1.00b Extra 0.273%
(AlanHaTe)PCB SakuyaA 269,819,260 All Clear 2012-09-21 02:15:47
1.00b Hard 0.624%
(AlanHaTe)PCB ReimuB 243,260,940 All Clear 2012-09-21 02:15:03
1.00b Normal 0.391%
(AlanHaTe)PCB SakuyaA 312,739,150 All Clear 2012-09-21 02:13:47
1.00b Normal 0.462%
(AlanHaTe)EoSD ReimuB 132,069,790 All Clear 2012-09-21 01:49:30
Extra 22.462%
(AlanHaTe)EoSD ReimuB 107,515,660 All Clear 2012-09-21 01:48:49
Hard 9.454%
(AlanHaTe)EoSD ReimuB 105,669,050 All Clear 2012-09-21 01:47:53
Extra 8.620%
(AlanHaTe)EoSD ReimuB 71,131,250 All Clear 2012-09-21 01:33:31
Normal 3.798%
(Mikkey)IN Reimu & Yukari 2,412,608,400 All Clear 2012-09-21 01:30:38
1.00d Lunatic 0.000%
A interesting run. I set out for a no-bomb run, but used 7 of them. I died 8 times and caught 22 spells. Oh, and I beat my last score by a little.
(Snivy)IN Alice 70,917,740 All Clear 2012-09-21 00:00:00
1.00d 1.446%
"Fantasy Heaven" capture. More like Fantasy Hell. The end is pure luck. e_e
(Snivy)IN Remilia & Sakuya 61,236,600 All Clear 2012-09-20 23:59:16
1.00d 0.964%
"Blazing Star" capture.
(Cor)UFO MarisaA 208,221,590 2012-09-20 20:32:29
1.00b Lunatic 0.000%
I won't blame LFS for this. Something incredibly stupid and unlucky just happened on stage 6, ruining the rest of my run.
(Seiga Kaku)UFO MarisaA 22,364,870 2012-09-20 20:08:48 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.000%
NDNBNUFO 90fps Stage 1. 3/53 Gold Detector is disgraceful, but it's finally done.
(Aettaa)PCB ReimuB 117,697,140 All Clear 2012-09-20 19:48:25 Pacifist
1.00b Lunatic 0.179%
Timeout of "Obsession with the Present World" and "Attainment of Eternal Truth", i.e. Youmu's easier spells
(Major Tom)SA MarisaB 283,891,550 All Clear 2012-09-20 19:37:14
1.00a Normal 0.170%
After a long ass time I've finally unlocked SA Extra...
(Nindel)EoSD MarisaA 155,618,120 All Clear 2012-09-20 19:32:03
Lunatic 0.328%
Hell yeah, this took ages, but it was worth it. 1 extra life and 2 or 3 bombs to spare as well! Of course, this run isn't complete without your obligatory stupid death with bombs on the streaming section of stage 6, but other than that it went pretty decently I guess! 3/4, just MarisaB left!
(Aettaa)UFO ReimuA 16,411,050 2012-09-20 19:29:46 Pacifist
1.00a Lunatic 0.240%
Timeouts of Ichirin's last two spells
(epic dodge @ fly)IN Alice 276,803,560 2012-09-20 18:48:51 No Vertical Movement
1.00d Extra 0.000%
(Snivy)IN Youmu 56,550,090 All Clear 2012-09-20 14:27:24
1.00d 0.275%
"Profound Field -Phantasm, Foam, Shadow-" capture.
(KagamineTwins)PCB SakuyaA 403,751,700 All Clear 2012-09-20 13:41:12
1.00b Phantasm 0.000%


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