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« 1 ..... 571 572 573 574 575 ..... 972 »
PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
(chum)IN Reimu & Yukari 2,228,697,730 All Clear 2012-02-07 17:10:02
1.00d Normal 0.000%
(Zil)IN Remilia 5,969,100 2012-02-07 15:56:41
1.00d Extra 0.000%
graze = 1409
(hnd03)UFO MarisaA 91,516,380 2012-02-07 13:13:54
1.00b Extra 0.540%
Farthest I've gone. Karakasa Slash was a nice surprise.
(b0xR)IN Remilia 84,465,620 All Clear 2012-02-07 09:39:13
1.00d 0.000%
1353 graze
(shitty)IN Remilia 61,601,980 2012-02-07 08:49:28
1.00d 0.000%
2154 still bad.
(shitty)IN Remilia 11,619,600 2012-02-07 07:59:15
1.00d 0.563%
1710 . still not ok with this . I'll upload again when I'm ok with it . . :<
(Kiuxy)SA ReimuC 28,739,940 2012-02-07 07:22:31 No Misses
1.00a Easy 0 31.920%
I beat my record! w
(Nereid)IN Remilia 13,465,750 2012-02-07 06:56:13
1.00d 0.000%
2233 graze
(Kliff)PCB ReimuB 640,593,810 All Clear 2012-02-07 06:46:05
1.00b Hard 0.390%
The second game of my Hard-sweep. Probably not a "good" run, but my first Hard 1CC.
(Nereid)IN Remilia 32,807,840 All Clear 2012-02-07 05:20:56 No Misses
1.00d Extra 0 0.000%
1412 graze
(Critz)PCB ReimuB 408,524,760 All Clear 2012-02-07 05:06:03
1.00b Extra 0.291%
My face when. 1st Izuna Gongen capture in mah life.
(Lu)IN Remilia 32,454,200 All Clear 2012-02-07 04:49:47 Pacifist
1.00d Extra 0.000%
didn't milked enough the last waves.
(YRC)IN Yukari 20,875,390 All Clear 2012-02-07 04:25:12 No MissesNo Focused MovementNo Bomb Usage
1.00d Easy 0 0 1.446%
IN stage 1 easy no deaths, bombs or focusing.
(VgameT)TD Reimu 840,953,610 All Clear 2012-02-07 03:20:37
1.00c Lunatic 10.240%
We'll cut our bodies free from the tethers of this scene. Start a brand new colony, where everything will change.
(Lu)IN Remilia 76,390,470 All Clear 2012-02-07 01:12:33 Pacifist
1.00d 0.141%
Timid grazing.
(Drake)IN Remilia 93,921,030 All Clear 2012-02-07 00:02:27
1.00d 0.000%
fantasy heaven 1586
(Ihavenoname248)IN Remilia 85,053,800 All Clear 2012-02-06 21:23:59 Pacifist
1.00d 0.000%
graze = 1238 Didn't expect to capture.
(Zil)IN Remilia 8,061,900 All Clear 2012-02-06 18:57:32 Pacifist
1.00d 0.000%
graze = 1806
(Chirpy13)IN Remilia 9,932,600 2012-02-06 18:12:46
1.00d 0.571%
(Alxz)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,199,143,360 All Clear 2012-02-06 17:04:56
1.00d Extra 0.178%
Imperishable Shooting unlocked, 2nd time facing it, dead at 2nd wave :U
(Kiyoshi akamori)PCB ReimuB 379,316,730 2012-02-06 16:52:40
1.00b Easy 0.085%
Easy-modo Second clear on easy, firs clear with Reimu
(Z)IN Remilia 60,077,640 All Clear 2012-02-06 16:12:20
1.00d 0.000%
2112 graze points. I pretty sure my master'll double my graze point! :v
(Kiyoshi akamori)PCB ReimuA 345,855,040 All Clear 2012-02-06 15:57:38
1.00b Hard 0.075%
Upload for (frst gngen jag klarar hard)
(Zil)IN Remilia 12,943,660 2012-02-06 15:56:46
1.00d 0.000%
graze 1866
(MMX)IN Remilia 5,028,160 2012-02-06 15:07:09
1.00d 1.695%
Moar graze!
(VAB)IN Reimu & Yukari 78,022,240 All Clear 2012-02-06 15:03:03 No Misses
1.00d 0 2.703%
It's very easy for a last word
(VAB)IN Reimu & Yukari 35,067,070 All Clear 2012-02-06 15:02:00 No MissesPacifist
1.00d Hard 0 3.012%
It's not so hard
(MMX)IN Remilia 4,432,880 2012-02-06 14:23:42
1.00d 2.128%
For MoTK 24 contest and lulz
(Sayokocloudnine)SA ReimuC 111,125,990 2012-02-06 14:21:22
1.00a Easy 0.460%
SA Easy for the SubSun Tournament. So sucky LOL.
(b0xR)IN Remilia 77,184,950 All Clear 2012-02-06 14:01:08
1.00d 0.000%
Graze 1090 Motk Tournament W24
(Zil)IN Remilia 4,793,920 2012-02-06 13:50:13
1.00d Extra 0.000%
graze craze = 1027
(derpachu)PCB SakuyaA 334,895,120 All Clear 2012-02-06 13:19:53
1.00b Hard 0.141%
PCB hard mode- my first 1cc on this difficulty.
(Kert)EoSD ReimuA 162,600,620 All Clear 2012-02-06 13:19:51
Lunatic 0.276%
EoSD lunatic set.
(Kert)EoSD ReimuB 141,200,660 All Clear 2012-02-06 13:19:07
Lunatic 0.245%
(Kert)EoSD MarisaA 131,478,960 All Clear 2012-02-06 13:18:48
Lunatic 0.265%
(Kert)EoSD MarisaB 154,767,540 All Clear 2012-02-06 13:18:28
Lunatic 0.234%
(b0xR)IN Remilia 76,248,540 All Clear 2012-02-06 13:02:14
1.00d 0.000%
Remi solo fantasy heaven for Motk Touhou Tournament W24
(Railgun)UFO SanaeB 656,448,820 2012-02-06 12:54:59
1.00b Easy 0.020%
No reds, no greens, just blues and rainbows. I have no idea how I derped Star Maelstrom and Devil's Recitation
(Razenoku)MoF ReimuA 217,457,450 All Clear 2012-02-06 12:17:12
1.00a Easy 0.060%
Well, TH10 is too hard for me in normal, this is the 1st time I have to beat a Touhou game in Easy, sigh
(Zodiac)PCB MarisaA 914,320,600 All Clear 2012-02-06 11:07:56
1.00b Phantasm 0.106%
I'm so bad. . :<


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