Special Conditions Key |
No Focus |
No Spells/Bombs |
No Vertical |
No Misses |
Tool-Assisted |
Unmarked Tool Assist |
Pacifist |
Other |
Desynced Replay |
Player | Game | Character Route | Score | Progress / Spell Card | Upload Date | Special Conditions |
Version | Difficulty | Misses | Spells | Slow% | Human Ratio | Record Date |
Comments |
(Seppo Hovi) | IN |
Youmu |
1,332,210 |
2012-01-05 07:57:32 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
1.053% |
Yeah, Reimu's familiars. Be there and ruin my runs at 01seconds left. But could you at least give me graze when I dodge you? |
(Zodiac) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
477,000 |
2012-01-05 07:34:27 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0 |
1.587% |
Zzzzz. . . . |
(I_AM_LAME) | SA |
ReimuA |
6,360 |
2012-01-05 06:05:10 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0.230% |
lol . . . I think I lack of practice. |
(Zodiac) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
482,500 |
2012-01-05 04:17:33 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0 |
1.042% |
@cactu I still practicing Youmu :3 |
(Mikkey) | MoF |
ReimuA |
6,460 |
2012-01-05 01:38:10 |
1.00a |
Normal |
0 |
0.000% |
So I decided to put it on Youtube. |
(JC) | TD |
Reimu |
0 |
2012-01-05 01:02:33 |
1.00c |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.000% |
Guse Flash lunatic timeout |
(JC) | TD |
Reimu |
0 |
2012-01-05 01:02:23 |
1.00c |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.000% |
Guse Flash lunatic timeout |
(JC) | TD |
Reimu |
57,856,360 |
2012-01-04 23:45:58 |
1.00c |
Lunatic |
0.170% |
(Miruruneko) | PCB |
ReimuB |
429,109,420 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 23:41:02 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0.000% |
Whoooooo! >w< |
(Railgun) | IN |
Youmu |
209,267,880 |
2012-01-04 23:38:33 |
1.00d |
Normal |
0.369% |
I really hate this game :< |
(Mikkey) | PCB |
ReimuB |
10,696,020 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 22:55:45 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0 |
0.166% |
My hands were shaking badly near the end. I almost died on the last spell. |
(Luna) | PCB |
ReimuB |
378,971,010 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 20:19:05 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.195% |
(Luna) | MoF |
ReimuA |
166,055,440 |
2012-01-04 20:15:29 |
1.00a |
Extra |
0.030% |
Survival cards... |
(Mikkey) | MoF |
ReimuA |
381,063,730 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 19:11:07 |
1.00a |
Extra |
0.000% |
A second and better clear of the Extra. I really need to work on some of the spell cards before I can even think about perfecting this. |
(Malkyrian) | IN |
Yukari |
21,200 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 18:20:19 |
1.00d |
Extra |
1.395% |
Ice Sign "Icicle Fall" -Easy- |
(Malkyrian) | IN |
Remilia |
11,324,630 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 18:11:11 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.613% |
(Nereid) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
2,503,751,720 |
2012-01-04 17:34:06 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.317% |
(Nereid) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
2,516,521,540 |
2012-01-04 16:42:29 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.469% |
Fuck you Marisa. |
(Nereid) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
1,060,380 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 15:32:29 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.000% |
(Nereid) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
1,904,600 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 15:32:26 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.000% |
(Ranko Hoshino) | TD |
Reimu |
153,472,150 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 15:24:27 |
1.00c |
Easy |
0 |
0 |
0.140% |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8e-qfoR7r0 | No Bombs, No Deaths, and No Trance For The Perfect Win |
(Zodiac) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
20,669,960 |
2012-01-04 13:26:31 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.625% |
@Ihavenoname248 I think there is a lot of people already done that . ;x |
(Ihavenoname248) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
11,116,590 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 13:04:13 |
1.00d |
Extra |
1.250% |
Possessed by Phoenix no focus capture. I've never seen this done before. |
Reimu & Yukari |
465,800 |
2012-01-04 10:08:44 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
1.471% |
How can I focus on dodging, when I'm playing unfocused? |
(Seppo Hovi) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
1,788,917,070 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 09:09:25 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.068% |
Hjysfffgldt. |
(Zodiac) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
430,200 |
2012-01-04 08:24:38 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0 |
2.680% |
Lazy. |
(Haku) | TD |
Youmu |
1,301,093,260 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 08:22:51 |
1.00c |
Hard |
0.920% |
Reimu & Yukari |
5,090,310 |
2012-01-04 04:55:46 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0 |
1.149% |
How does Eirin put galaxy in a pot ? |
(Nereid) | MoF |
ReimuB |
635,555,710 |
All Clear |
2012-01-04 02:53:35 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.160% |
\o/ |
(Nereid) | MoF |
ReimuB |
530,699,180 |
2012-01-04 02:00:18 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.390% |
Game over on VoWG ;; |
(Ranko Hoshino) | TD |
Sanae |
171,342,300 |
All Clear |
2012-01-03 22:02:06 |
1.00c |
Easy |
0 |
0.140% |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcIduTeK_6c | I haven't really played as Sanae much on this game before. I had no deaths until the very last spell and I died twice there. I didn't use any bombs either. |
(nintendonut888) | EoSD |
MarisaA |
147,672,640 |
All Clear |
2012-01-03 20:43:00 |
Extra |
0.259% |
Flandre no deaths, for a certain ragean's benefit. :V |
(Zodiac) | SA |
ReimuA |
440,103,150 |
All Clear |
2012-01-03 17:36:08 |
1.00a |
Easy |
0 |
0 |
0.120% |
first time play easy mode without omg wtf challenges ( I've try no vert+ only moving right before.) Don't know why I can't sleep . . . . P.S. :lame score I know. |
(Zodiac) | EoSD |
ReimuA |
76,692,460 |
All Clear |
2012-01-03 16:04:20 |
Easy |
0 |
0 |
0.185% |
My first time play easy mode in EoSD. Just play before go to bed. . . |
(Nereid) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
413,591,730 |
All Clear |
2012-01-03 15:47:55 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0 |
0 |
0.165% |
Still not quite sure how best to handle one part of the stage. |
(Cactu) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
2,171,202,650 |
All Clear |
2012-01-03 12:10:29 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.039% |
Finished with 2 extra lives. Mountain of Faith is next! Wish me luck. |
(Awesomeotaku -98) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
1,067,197,970 |
All Clear |
2012-01-03 11:22:57 |
1.00d |
Easy |
0.000% |
Eirin-samaah. So hard. ;___; |
(Nekotaku) | EoSD |
MarisaA |
99,259,590 |
All Clear |
2012-01-03 11:04:49 |
Normal |
0.321% |
1st 1CC on normal I did of any Touhou game. Pretty bad performance against Remi, but too happy to care. |
(Epic fail) | PCB |
ReimuB |
865,051,830 |
All Clear |
2012-01-03 11:00:27 |
1.00b |
Phantasm |
0.005% |
shit run . . . |
(Shojhi) | MoF |
ReimuB |
186,378,740 |
All Clear |
2012-01-03 08:30:02 |
1.00a |
Normal |
0.480% |
First 1cc on Normal difficulty. |
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