Special Conditions Key |
No Focus |
No Spells/Bombs |
No Vertical |
No Misses |
Tool-Assisted |
Unmarked Tool Assist |
Pacifist |
Other |
Desynced Replay |
Player | Game | Character Route | Score | Progress / Spell Card | Upload Date | Special Conditions |
Version | Difficulty | Misses | Spells | Slow% | Human Ratio | Record Date |
Comments |
(vivin) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
2,256,745,280 |
All Clear |
2011-10-20 08:30:54 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0.212% |
Stage 6 is so bad |
(CrimsonCujo) | EoSD |
ReimuA |
3,780,030 |
2011-10-20 03:57:42 |
Easy |
27.734% |
My first attempt at a Touhou game. Easy Mode, but should give you an idea of my pathetic skill. |
(Grand Maestro Mo) | PCB |
MarisaB |
1,010,174,210 |
All Clear |
2011-10-19 21:06:42 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0 |
0.221% |
(nintendonut888) | PCB |
MarisaA |
727,539,670 |
All Clear |
2011-10-19 19:44:51 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0 |
0.156% |
Ran perfect. After nearly four years, there's something inevitable about beating my arch-nemesis like this. Aah, victory is sweet. ^_^ |
(T.T. Fawkes) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
86,819,740 |
All Clear |
2011-10-19 18:36:57 |
1.00d |
Normal |
0.205% |
Screwing around with a Reimu/Reimu mirror match on Normal. |
(seventhfonist425) | PCB |
MarisaB |
146,747,740 |
2011-10-19 18:03:45 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0.112% |
A little bit farther this time. Not sure how I was supposed to dodge that Buddhist thing though. |
(MMX) | EoSD |
ReimuB |
106,991,960 |
All Clear |
2011-10-19 15:14:27 |
Normal |
0 |
0.190% |
Second normal no bombs 1CC. Now with 3 default lives. Lolfails included :# |
(06cloud) | EoSD |
ReimuB |
100,133,560 |
All Clear |
2011-10-19 13:41:11 |
Extra |
0.244% |
extra cleared |
(Ihavenoname248) | MoF |
ReimuB |
305,662,840 |
All Clear |
2011-10-19 13:14:00 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0.070% |
HELL YES LUNATIC 1CC!!! Despite 2 derps to Sanae and 1 to Kanako, I survived VoWG with only 1 life in stock, and 4 power on that life, like my first clear of hard. How did I get Sanae's midboss nonspell for the first time ever at 0 power... o.O |
(derp) | EoSD |
ReimuB |
73,387,930 |
2011-10-19 02:20:38 |
Normal |
0.514% |
(seventhfonist425) | PCB |
MarisaB |
154,810,010 |
2011-10-19 00:46:07 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0.088% |
I'm gonna get feed back on this one. |
(jq1790) | PCB |
ReimuB |
526,210,140 |
All Clear |
2011-10-18 21:04:06 |
1.00b |
Phantasm |
0.126% |
First Phantasm clear, Reimu B. Not pretty even in the slightest, and I bombed all five phases of Danmaku Bounded Field, but a clear's a clear. =) |
(MyonHUTINA) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
1,668,642,170 |
All Clear |
2011-10-18 20:28:39 |
1.00d |
Normal |
0.000% |
Mostly for the time-gain. It, uh, it stops at Eirin. Yeah, totally. |
(Zodiac) | SA |
ReimuA |
216,769,570 |
2011-10-18 18:53:29 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0.000% |
. |
(Balcerzak) | IN |
Marisa & Alice |
600,136,010 |
2011-10-18 18:47:55 |
1.00d |
Normal |
0.128% |
Most of my problems stem from failure to bomb, and getting nervous at fuck-ups snowballing into losing concentration and creating more fuckups. If see other things I'm doing wrong, though... |
(JRmarisaa) | UFO |
MarisaA |
137,932,360 |
All Clear |
2011-10-18 17:12:24 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.130% |
Even though everyone says SA in the hardest normal I would have to rank this one as the hardest normal for me. |
(Mikkey) | EoSD |
MarisaA |
135,479,840 |
All Clear |
2011-10-18 16:12:06 |
Hard |
0.278% |
Meh... Remilia really screwed me over. |
(Torchic038) | IN |
Yuyuko & Youmu |
616,913,070 |
All Clear |
2011-10-18 15:31:23 |
1.00d |
Normal |
1.925% |
(tomdng) | UFO |
MarisaA |
8,710,670 |
2011-10-18 11:17:28 |
1.00a |
Normal |
0.160% |
iseng pake thmouse |
(GuppyForce) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
1,337,613,400 |
All Clear |
2011-10-18 10:27:10 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.064% |
3rd IN Extra Clear, unlocking Imperishable Shooting. |
(chum) | EoSD |
MarisaB |
171,626,970 |
All Clear |
2011-10-18 10:07:50 |
Normal |
0.299% |
failure... but has its moments i guess? |
(Thanuris) | UFO |
ReimuA |
286,862,700 |
All Clear |
2011-10-18 08:14:09 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0 |
0 |
0.140% |
i got it 3rd try except that i crashed into nue on undefined darkness so i had to make 50 more attempts |
(BT) | UFO |
MarisaA |
166,038,160 |
All Clear |
2011-10-18 06:56:51 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.010% |
A messy first normal 1cc. Play I'm proud of along with some very stupid deaths result in a 0 bombs 0 lives finish. |
(marus-MPO) | EoSD |
ReimuA |
203,576,160 |
All Clear |
2011-10-17 20:57:21 |
Normal |
0.259% |
Laziness is not a virtue. |
(GTR) | PCB |
ReimuB |
1,502,658,090 |
All Clear |
2011-10-17 16:29:10 |
1.00b |
Phantasm |
0.158% |
lol POS |
(Mimic) | TD |
Reimu |
1,425,311,250 |
All Clear |
2011-10-17 16:14:21 |
1.00c |
Normal |
0.230% |
TIL that "junky" can be used instead of "junkie". This run also happens to be junk. |
(zzzz) | SA |
ReimuA |
12,005,460 |
2011-10-17 13:35:21 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0.010% |
zzzz |
(AxiamWolfe) | UFO |
MarisaB |
220,964,320 |
2011-10-17 02:59:03 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.050% |
On a bus, on a laptop. Derped too much on Stage 5 onward. CIRSE YOU MARISA B!!! |
(Railgun) | SA |
MarisaB |
203,901,480 |
2011-10-16 21:38:26 |
1.00a |
Normal |
0.020% |
I don't know how to use Marisa :V MotK Week 19 |
(Knot) | TD |
Reimu |
0 |
2011-10-16 19:39:22 |
1.00c |
Lunatic |
0.000% |
12. Some sort of fad. |
(Esupanitix/Moisc) | SA |
MarisaB |
26,472,840 |
2011-10-16 19:10:50 |
1.00a |
Normal |
0.000% |
For the Touhou Tournament Week 19 Marisa B SA division; Got to stage 3.5 (Past the midboss) with an unusually large graze score. Normal Score 26,472,840 |
(PoochyEXE) | SA |
ReimuB |
366,267,290 |
All Clear |
2011-10-16 17:54:10 |
1.00a |
Normal |
0.100% |
Holy crap ReimuB is awesome. How did I never notice this before? |
(Mikkey) | EoSD |
ReimuA |
152,226,750 |
All Clear |
2011-10-16 17:51:28 |
Lunatic |
0.249% |
YES!!!! FINALLY!!!!MY FIRST LUNATIC CLEAR EVER!!!!!! Hey, and guess what, I had no lives or bombs when I saw Remilia's last spell card. I CAUGHT SCARLET GENSOKYO!! |
(Haku) | TD |
Youmu |
0 |
2011-10-16 14:23:37 |
1.00c |
Hard |
0 |
0.000% |
Spell 11. |
(Major Tom) | TD |
Marisa |
347,001,660 |
All Clear |
2011-10-16 12:58:27 |
1.00c |
Normal |
0.510% |
Finally 1cc'd Ten Desires. I am so not used to 7 lives or less in a Touhou game. |
(T) | TD |
Youmu |
0 |
2011-10-16 11:43:11 |
1.00c |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.000% |
>No Focus No vert Youmu might be fun.
It wasn't. |
(Reddo) | TD |
Reimu |
238,359,900 |
All Clear |
2011-10-16 10:19:39 |
1.00c |
Extra |
0.210% |
(kletian) | TD |
Reimu |
0 |
2011-10-16 07:20:06 |
1.00c |
Lunatic |
0 |
6.200% |
Spell 98. No Focus No vert Youmu might be fun. |
(kletian) | TD |
Reimu |
0 |
2011-10-16 05:10:17 |
1.00c |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.140% |
Spell 55. lol this card. |
(kletian) | TD |
Reimu |
0 |
2011-10-16 04:58:31 |
1.00c |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.100% |
Spell 12. Don't know how. |
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